Barwon Water, a water corporation in Victoria, Australia, has recently entered into a trade waste agreement with businesses in the region. This agreement will ensure that businesses are not discharging harmful materials or substances into the sewage system, which can negatively impact the environment and public health. The agreement states that businesses must comply […]
Monthly Archives: november 2021
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How to Politely Decline a Contractor Bid
As a business owner or homeowner, you may receive multiple contractor bids for a project. While it can be overwhelming to sift through each one, it is important to respectfully decline bids that do not meet your needs and budget. Here are some tips on how to politely decline a contractor bid. 1. Be […]
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Fi Collective Agreement 2020
The FI Collective Agreement 2020: What It Means for Employees The FI Collective Agreement 2020 is a document that outlines the terms and conditions of employment for employees of the FI Group. The FI Group is a federal government agency that employs thousands of workers in various roles across Canada. The new collective agreement, […]
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Pre Closing Occupancy Agreement Colorado
Pre-closing occupancy agreements are a common practice in real estate, especially in states like Colorado where real estate transactions can take some time to close. These agreements allow buyers or renters to occupy a property before the closing date, giving them a chance to start moving in and making necessary arrangements before they officially […]